Magnus Ólafsson, Reykjavik
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NAVN: Magnus Ólafsson
DATA: Født 1862 i Hvoll i Saurbæ, død 1937 i Reykjavik AKTIV: Fra 1901 ff. ADRESSER: Reykjavik, Island UDDANNELSE: PORTRÆTFOTOS: ja GRUPPEFOTOS: REPORTAGEFOTOS: ? TOPOGRAFISKE FOTOS: ? STEREOFOTOS: Stor produktion af stereobilleder. POSTKORT: ? UDSTILLINGER: ? FAGLIG FORENING: ? FORGÆNGER: EFTERFØLGER: ? ARKIV: Stereobilleder, dels på Kongelige Bibliotek, dels på RODS - cam 100 stk + fotos udgivet af Elfelfelt, formentlig fotograferet af Olafsson. (Og i Island!), samling avk KOMMENTARER: KILDER: Ochsner 1986. Reykjaviks Fotomuseum HER. |
Der er en vildt flot beskrivelse af hvem fotograf Olafsson var: "Magnús Ólafsson (1862-1937) was the Reykjavík photographer par excellence, and his pictures make an important contribution to how Icelanders perceive their land. Ólafsson's photos span the first three decades of the 20th century. These are photographs that shift between documentary and fairytale, and provide a unique insight into a vanished world: people leave Reykjavík Cathedral in their Sunday best, men jump from ice-floe to ice-floe on Reykjavík Harbour, children run down Laugavegur, the fire brigade holds an exercise on Austurvöllur, women spread saltfish to dry on Vesturgata, a football spins on Melavöllur in 1915 – and then Magnús rises up above the community to take the first aerial photograph of Reykjavík.
Magnús was a man of many talents: an impassioned photographer - a professional in the field after the age of forty - he also played the organ and the violin – playing in a quartet that held the first ever violin recital in Reykjavík – held film shows, and is believed to have made the first ciné film in Iceland. Magnús was a man of action and conviction, a pioneer who realised that he was living through a period of upheaval, and succeeded in preserving a part of that time for posterity." KILDE: HER. |
Foto Magnus Olafsson, Island, stereobillede. Yndig ung kvinde i en islandsk højtidsdragt "Islenskur hátidabmingus."
Foto Magnus Olafsson, Reykjavik. "Operrishola vid Geysir". Samling avk.
Photo Magnus Olafsson, Island/Iceland: Konungsgos Geysir. Konungskoman 1907. Kilde Kongelige Bibliotek.
Foto Magnus Olafsson, Reykjavik. Et smukt landskab i Island. Samling avk.
Foto Magnus Olafsson, Reykjavik. Stereobillede. Forelfangst ved Sogid (Tingvallasøens afløb). Samling avk.
Magnus Ólafsson, Fra hovedstaden Reykjavik, 1911. Kilde: RODS, Peter Randløv.
Magnus Olafssopn, Reykjavik. Kilde RODS.
Magnus Ólafsson. Gullfoss 1907. Kilde: RODS, Peter Randløv.
Foto Magnus Olafsson, Reykjavik, #Oscará i Almannagjá", stereobillede, samling avk.
Foto Magnus Olafsson, Reykjavik, "Vejen ned til Almannagja", stereobillede, samling avk.
Foto Magnus Olafsson, Reykjavik. Islandsk håndskrift er svært, mon der står: "Storegjá vid Arnastapa á Snæfellsnesi. Vestlandet", stereobillede, samling avk.
Gletscher. Jökulsås udspring på Solheimasandur. Kilde: RODS.
Magnus Olafssopn, Reykjavik: På hesteryg. Kilde RODS.
Foto Magnus Olafsson, Reykjavik. Kvindedragter. Samling avk.
Magnus Olafssopn, Reykjavik. Kilde RODS.
Magnus Olafssopn, Reykjavik. Kilde RODS.